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Bandai Namco

Proposed 2017 Annual Report



Bandai Namco, a game publisher on arcade, mobile, and home video, based in Japan. The company also publishes video, music, model figures, toys and other entertainment products. Headquarters is currently located in Tokyo, Japan.




An opportunity for a proposed annual report of 2017. Before I start, I will look through the previous annual reports and see what style and layout are used for each year. Turns out they all have the same kind of style and the layout hardly changes. The challenges are visualization and personalization because I'm going have to create something new. Lots of experimentations will happen while trying to make the layout designs work. The style guide will be same as the company's logo mainly the colors orange, red and yellow. I will include more information with better graphs and images. What I hope to accomplish for this new design is by having more investors, better information and to give a stronger foundation. 

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